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The Specialist Teaching and Learning Service (STLS) was devolved in September 2012 from a county model and service to a more localised model operating in the 12 districts in Kent under the management of 12 Special Schools.


This development brought together Specialist teams into a more ‘localised model’ that was located in the Special schools. Alongside this major change in the delivery of SEN Specialist support was the emergence of the Local Inclusion Forum Teams (LIFTs).


These local teams which consist of local mainstream schools, Special schools, STLS and Educational Psychologists provide a forum where schools can discuss cases of pupils with a range of barriers to learning and SEN and receive advice, help and if required intervention from the STLS.








The Specialist Teaching and Learning Services provide a consistent and equitable core training offer to pre-school settings and schools covering:


  • Support and advice around individual children and young people

  • Training packages that arise from LIFT

  • STLS core training offer to support the universal level

  • Training Courses at the Targeted or Personalised level

  • Bespoke training for low incidence SEND

  • Training provided with national framework


Further details about training courses can be found on each district's website which are linked on the dropdown menu for this page. 

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